Saturday, December 3, 2011

Duck Duck Moose brings a slightly trippy 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' to Android

The developer of one of our favorite Android kids apps is backing, bringing its version of the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to Android smartphones and tablets. Like its previous title, Wheels on the Bus, your kid taps its way through the app, with plenty of creatures and characters to interact with while learning the song. In this case, the Itsy Bitsy Spider's working his way up the drain, in the rain, back down the spout again, and all that jazz. But it's got some friends along for the ride, and things get a little ... interesting when the snail turns into a banana, and a Nyan Cat sort-of-looking thing slides down the rainbow. For just $1.99, it's good for the kid, and weird enough to keep the parents amused. Hit the break for download links. See more Android Kids Apps read more


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